How Different Are Outdoor Electrical Outlet Cover Weatherproof From Waterproof Covers?
Everybody is well aware with the fact that water is the best conductor for electricity as it readily reacts with the ions of the water particles and gets electrocuted. This is the reason that we often hear our parents to keep water or wet things away from the electrical switches. When a wet hand of human body touches an electric switch; the water in the hand ignites the action and our body acts as a conductor for that electric current which ultimately results in the electric shock. Thousands of people across the world have died after suffering the electric shock and it is considered as one of the most dreadful causes of death. This is the reason that we are even told not to go in the pool during lightening or thunderstorm because light of the thunderstorm can generate current in your wet body way faster and easier than a dry body. Similarly; people think twice before installing switches outdoors so to prevent themselves from such happenings. In this article; we will be discussing about the comparison between outdoor weatherproof box and water proof covers.
Outdoor electrical outlet cover weatherproof:
It is the one out of two different kinds of electrical outlet covers. Basically; outdoor electrical outlet cover weatherproof is the kind of a covering used for electrical outlets that have been installed in the outdoor areas and must be prevented from the weather extremities otherwise they are either going to cause an electrical short circuit or are going to be hazardous for any living being’s life. Weather proof coverings provide protection to the electrical outlet due to its resistive properties against the weather extremities. These weather extremities might vary from the scorching heat to the heavy rain.
Waterproof electrical boxes outdoor:
Now that we have well understood the fact about weatherproof electrical outlet coverings so let us discuss about the water proof outdoor coverings. Waterproof electrical boxes outdoor is another such type of covering that is used in the exterior location; be it the extensions or the outlets themselves. These boxes do not allow the water to peep through them. The main difference between weather proof and waterproof outlet coverings is that weatherproof coverings is not resistant to water and once the water enters; it might cause some calamity but waterproof coverings make sure that no water drops enter the box.
We are living in the times where we are going to need outdoor electrical outlets every now and then; be it to charge our electrical appliance or to make an outdoor heater work. The question that arises is that how can we protect these outdoor electrical outlets or switches from getting short circuit or from causing and electric shock? Well; the answer to that lies in the waterproof electrical boxes outdoor as well as outdoor electrical outlet cover weatherproof; which you can buy from “AB enclosure”.